About Me!

Name: Sara
Twitter: @bookchic13
GR: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/22203264-sara
Always been a reader, and always will be a reader. I don't pay much attention to genre, I'll give anything a chance but usually end up with more YA, NA, contemporary.  I love stories I can relate to, that fit into life.

Working on my degree in health information so I am a great secret keeper ;)
I'm a simple person with a child like personality. If a 5 year old likes it most likely I will as well. Give me penguins, animation, mac and cheese, and gummies and I'll be set for life.

Music is just as important to me as books. Both carry me away from this world and into a much happier world if only for a little while. Same as books I listen to everything in the music world. Whatever my mood asks for.

Thank you for joining me on this new journey in my life, but bare with me as I learn what I am doing in the blogging world. Looking forward to jumping in headfirst and see where this takes me in the wonderful bookish community!

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